With Borders

No Borders

Explanation of Microsoft Excel Payroll Spreadsheet Columns

Column Heading Description
A Record Type
  • Always has the letter D in all rows except for the last row.
  • The last row always contains the letter T. This lets the program know that it’s the last row in the file.
B County Number
  • Contains the county number.
  • It should be the same for each row.
C Period Year
  • Contains the year for the information being reported.
  • It should be the same for each row.
D Period Month
  • Contains the number representing the month being reported.
  • For example, if January information is being reported, there should be the number one in the column.
  • The number should be the same for each row.
E Beginning Payroll Date
  • Contains the payroll begin date for the pay period being reported.
  • The date should be the same for each row.
F Ending Payroll Date
  • Contains the payroll end date for the pay period being reported.
  • The date should be the same for each row.
G Creation Date
  • Contains the date the report is created.
  • The date should be the same for each row.
H Hours
  • Contains the number of hours the participant worked during the pay period.
I Salary
  • Contains the gross salary the participant earned during the pay period.
J Receipt Date
  • Contains the receipt date.
  • The date should be the same for each row.
K Contrib
  • Contains the amount due (2%, 4% or 6%) for employee contribution whether none, a portion or all is being paid by the county on the employee’s behalf.
  • All participants in Non-LAGERS counties should have an amount listed in this column.
  • LAGERS counties only have an amount listed for those participants hired on or after February 25, 2002 or employees not meeting the requirements to be in LAGERS.
  • A zero (0.00) should be placed in this column for those participants not making a contribution to CERF.
  • This payroll deduction is withheld pre-tax.
L Eligible, Non-Contributing
  • Contains payment information for CERF participants purchasing eligible, non-contributing service.
  • A zero (0.00) should be placed in this column for those participants not buying back any service.
  • This payroll deduction is withheld after taxes.
M Forfeited Service
  • Contains payment information for CERF participants purchasing forfeited service.
  • A zero (0.00) should be placed in this column for those participants not buying back any service.
  • This payroll deduction is withheld after taxes.
N Opted-Out
  • Contains payment information for CERF participants purchasing opted out service.
  • A zero (0.00) should be placed in this column for those participants not buying back any service.
  • This payroll deduction is withheld after taxes.
O Refunded Contrib
  • Contains payment information for CERF participants purchasing a service period for which they received a refund of contributions.
  • A zero (0.00) should be placed in this column for those participants not buying back any service.
  • This payroll deduction is withheld after taxes.
  • Contains the participant’s Social Security number.
  • It should be formatted as a text column.
  • The Social Security number should NOT contain any dashes.
  • Each Social Security number should appear only once on each report.
Q Name
  • Contains the participant’s name.
  • It must be formatted as last name, first name middle initial.
  • A comma MUST follow ONLY the last name. A space is used between the first name and middle initial.
  • Do NOT put a period in any part of the Name – this includes the middle initial and suffixes.
R Hire Date
  • Contains the participant’s date of hire.
  • Contains the participant’s LAGERS status.
  • Place an N in the column for NonLAGERS participants.
  • Place a Y in the column for LAGERS participants.
  • If a participant is working in a LAGERS county, but does not qualify for LAGERS, the participant is NonLAGERS.